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GTI was equipped and prepared for the DTV repack in Canada and the United States and we successfully executed hundreds of complicated repack projects under tight deadlines. Our crews and equipment stand ready to work on any tower, including large broadcast towers up to 2000’ tall in the post-repack world. We have the proven experience, equipment and competency to remove, install, or modify heavy broadcast antennas (top mount or side mount) with weights ranging from the smallest lift to over 18,000 pounds.

We have:

  • Structural Engineers to perform tower structural analyses;

  • Engineers and technicians to perform site surveys and audits;

  • Experienced North American broadcast (tall tower) rigging crews to install antennas & lines;

  • Rigging crews to perform tall tower reinforcing and modifications;

  • Antenna system testing, troubleshooting, and commissioning capabilities.

We offer a wide range of solutions for: 

  • DTV Broadcast Antenna Installation

  •  DTV & Tall Tower Construction

  • Tall Tower Modifications and Strengthening

  • FM Broadcast Antenna Systems and Installation

  • Tower Lighting Systems

  • Emergency Restoration Services

  • Microwave & Point-to-Point Link Systems

  • Turnkey Transmitter Site Construction

  • Tower Site Inspection & Maintenance

  • AM/LF/HF Antenna Systems, ATUs & Grounding


3079 Harrison Court

Burlington, ON  L7M-0W4


3903 Northdale Blvd.

Suite 100E

Tampa, FL  33624



Canada: 905-331-8501

USA: 813-291-4400

Fax: 905-331-6711

Copyright 2018
GTI America





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